Being on Purpose


"I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way."
-Georgia O'Keeffe

Happy Spring!

It's hard to believe that we are approaching the last days of March. The transition to spring has always been a bit tricky for me. The shift in temperature and how it lands in my body and bones always leaves me a bit achy and rattled. My walks with Max are different as the landscape has shifted so dramatically. All the ice and snow has melted revealing what’s been lying underneath all these months. Dirty paws and boots from the mud leave me mourning the snow cover and crunch underneath my steps at night.

This might sound crazy as so many are tired of the cold and darkness. I assure you that I'll get with the program soon enough and will be excited about trekking through muddy puddles! There’s something about this season’s transition that is asking me to Be on Purpose in a way I haven't been before. My body is asking something new of me. It's asking me to have a very open and honest dialogue about its needs and what I have been ignoring. In this open conversation with my body I am seeing the energy reserves that I need in order to be on purpose. Thank you Spring for this wisdom!

What are you noticing? How does spring land in your body? What does it look like for you to be on purpose? I'd love to hear from you! Drop me an email.

Much love to you and your spirit,


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An·Tic·i·Pa·Tion [anˌtisəˈpāSH(ə)n]


The You in Evolution