The Time is Now



"Let us make our future now, and let us make our dreams tomorrow's reality."

- Malala Yousafzai

Materials: wool, waxed thread, found stick, faux Turkey feather and porcupine quills.

January held unusually dense energy as many new astrological placements swirled through the heavens. In this heavy time, as the planet Mars was stationing from his retrograde, I found myself processing a lot of personal and collective anger. As these feelings washed over me, it was difficult to believe that better times for the collective would be on the horizon.

So I turned to the compassionate spirit world for guidance. One of my guides began to greet me on my evening walks with Max. He would glide into my awareness ever so quickly and then disappear. These brief encounters piqued my curiosity, and I knew it was time to turn to him and sink into his medicine. He spoke to me about the path to eldership and let me know that my way forward lies in learning to transmute my judgment into curiosity. His lessons were painful, and he asked me to start releasing the toxins that judgement has stored in my body. 

This guide continued to bring me to the question - How can your decisions serve future generations? I had to sit with this question for some time. I expected to see actions, not decisions. When I looked up the definition of Decision - a conclusion or resolution reached after consideration - I was able to rest into the state of consideration. I saw a need to examine the type of consideration I have been practicing in my living. Have I been creating space for discernment, for allowing all sides to be heard? Or are my decisions lacking consideration and based in old conditioning rooted in past hurt and judgment? 

These experiences woke me up to my responsibility as a human and asked me to really own my place in the collective. I was being asked to finally step into this new year. And so I am looking at how I can transmute the dense energy of my judgment and how my new decisions can build towards a better future. It is a future that I won't be in physical form to experience, so it is even more important that the actions that are birthed from my decisions today be conscious and rooted in consideration. 

In many ways I feel like the new year is just beginning for me. How has your experience of 2023 been so far? What's been gliding into your awareness? I would love to hear from you. Drop me an email!

Much love to you and your spirit,


Read the Full Post Here-


A Reimagining


The Sound of Silence