Rocking Steady

- ścieg - stitch -

"Gather the threads of your life and stitch them into joy.”

–Jody Houghton

Happy July!

It felt like no coincidence that Crab Spider arrived in our house as we shifted into Cancer season last month. When I pointed the first visitor out to Jason, he told me Crab Spiders are distinct in the spider kingdom with their legs set at a forward angle that enables them not only to skitter forward and back but to scuttle side to side - just like a crab!

These unique spiders would show themselves to me on different walls and on the ceiling at different points of the day, and one even sidestepped its way across the living room floor one night like a dancer. Their presence in our house held the symbol of this astrological season, the Crab, firmly in my mind. These omnipresent, 8-legged friends cued me to lean into Crab medicine and reminded me of the power in being able to move sideways.

I took some time to reflect on the idea of stepping to the side and moving off the straight path. Perhaps, Spider Crab, Crab, was asking me to embrace that living and healing are not straightforward or linear processes. It's natural to dip to the side and meander back and forth as I make winding progress forward. I've been experiencing many uncomfortable wisdoms over the last several months, and Crab Spider reminded me that taking a sidestep (or even stepping backwards) doesn't equate to failure or lack of progress. Their medicine reminded me of the wisdom in taking zigzag strides as you climb a hill or mountain. And they showed me that sometimes you need to step aside for something to blow through. Crab Spider gave me much food for thought in their quick interactions. I'm deeply grateful.

How has July been meeting you? Have you been experiencing some side steps? Who in the animal world or spirit world has been offering your their wisdom? I'd love to hear from you! Drop me an email!

Much love to you and your spirit,


Read the full blog post ~


Romancing the Self


A Reimagining