Romancing the Self


"What we know matters, but who we are matters more.”

–Brené Brown

August Greetings!

It's hard to believe that we are nearing the end of the summer. This has been a big season for me!

Over the last six years I took a break from traveling by plane and began exploring other realms and places through meditation and mediumship. I felt invigorated when I arrived in Italy a few weeks ago. I landed in the same place that I had my first international experience decades ago. The land immediately activated the indescribable cellular romance and inspiration that only the Florence vibration evokes within me. It brought me to tears. I started to feel lighter, creative ideas began to flow with ease, and I had access to a sense of freedom that I haven't felt in years.

This was the first big trip I took since consciously cultivating my ability to see the unseen realms and communicate with the spirit world. For most of the last six years of studying, researching, and practicing I embodied the idea that I needed to seclude myself, almost remove myself from my old life to hone these new skills with integrity. Perhaps there was merit and importance in living that belief. I'm just glad to be back out and living in a new way!

With Venus beginning her retrograde when I kicked off this trip, I’m seeing how the planet of love, passion, and desire invited me to re-evaluate my values and see if my living mapped to my values. It was last fall that I received her invitation to begin romancing myself. There was a lot of cleaning and clearing out before I could fully land in this space now. When I arrived in Florence I felt the fire of Venus's invitation. I also saw the energy of my younger self, the young woman who was just starting out all those years ago. It's clear that the time has come for my current self to meet my younger self. This trip propelled that meeting. Now these two expressions of me are joining together, learning one another and romancing each other. I look forward to seeing where this will lead me. Thank you, Venus!

What have you been noticing in these potent times? Are there parts of you that are ready to be embraced and brought into current time? Are you ready to romance yourself? What would that look like for you? I'd love to hear from you! Drop me an email!

Much love to you and your spirit,


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Still Processing


Rocking Steady