Slowing Down to Catch Up



“As our eyes grow accustomed to sight, they armour themselves against wonder.”
– Leonard Cohen

Materials: wool, found sticks, fish fly, sea urchin spines, leather cording and remnants.

It's hard to believe that this past weekend marked the middle of October. I hope that the fall has met you with grace. And if it hasn't, my hope is that ease is finding you now!

It has been a bit tricky here for the last month. Covid hit our household, and it demanded that I come to a complete stop. I didn't realize just how fast I was running. Even though I thought I had a new approach to my schedule, it was clear that I was still on the run, and not just physically but also mentally. In this abrupt stop I was able to start to unravel both what I had been running from and towards. The slowness asked me to work through some density from the past that had congealed in and around me. I had to go deep into another time in my history, seeing how it was influencing my present and the future I was running towards. I'm continuing to dance my way through what has been shown and revealed to me, knowing that it will be a slow dance to resolution, not a quick step routine.

In this new slowness I have been receiving messages from nature, my guides and vibrant ancestors, some comforting and some quite confronting. Last week I was asked ~ How can you befriend the dark, the darkness? How can you walk with lighter footing? What is asking for purification in your life so you can see what has always been available to you? I'm living in these questions. When the answers arrive they often feel like feathers or leaves gliding down, ever so slowly to me, in the wind, reminding me to pause and see that in this slowing down I am catching up to myself.   

What have you been noticing and experiencing? What is ready to befriend in your life? I'd love to hear from you! Drop me an email.

Much love to you and your spirit,


Read the Full Post Here-


Time for a Rewrite?


con·tent·ment [kənˈtentmənt]