The Journey to Ancestorhood


"I rise up for I remember that All of

creation lives inside of me.”

–Deya Dova

Happy Autumn ~ I hope that this new season has met you exactly where you needed it to!

I always feel moved and energized by this time of year in the Northern Hemisphere. The softening light, cool evenings, and shifting landscape create a renewed sense of magic and mystery. This time deepens the connection to my ancestors as I watch the leaves begin to change color. They prepare to release from the branches that grew them and drift to the ground to support the next generation, offering cover for the long winter to the flower beds that bloom in spring and shine through the summer.

I’ve been thinking about my personal ancestral healing journey in this seasonal transition. I am reminded of the internal resistance I encountered five years ago when I first confronted the journey to know my ancestors. I still recall my complete disbelief that I could ever find health and vibrancy within some of my ancestral lines, because my experience with recent ancestors seemed to negate the possibility of health. As I walked the winding path of ancestral healing, there were times of deep grief which often manifested in physical pain as my body released and my DNA was offered the opportunity to energetically remap to the vibrant gifts, not the long-held burdens. There were times of confusion and anger followed by excitement to meet vibrant ancestors that would be able to show me times when my peoples were in right relationship and lived in their true authenticity.

As my personal work continued and deepened, I was gob-smacked by the visceral sense of belonging I found with my ancient ancestors. A belonging that I didn’t know was possible. I received many lessons from this healing work over the years. In this new time of reflection, I am seeing that freedom was redefined for me by my vibrant ancestors. That in this work, freedom was found by not fleeing but by standing in acceptance and witnessing. This autumn I am personally committing to being a true witness to nature’s visual lesson in the grand lifecycle. I will be asking the compassionate spirits of nature around me if they can show me their wisdom around birth and death. I will be asking my vibrant ancestors for continued lessons in aging. All in honoring my peoples and how they live within me.

What have you been noticing? What lessons are you learning in this seasonal shift? I'd love to hear from you! Drop me an email!

Much love to you and your spirit,


Check out the full blog post ~


A Higher Love


Still Processing