Still Processing


"Transformation is not a future event; it's a present activity.”

–Jillian Michaels

I entered into September with a tender heart. With last month bookended by two full moons, brimming with emotions and deep curiosity, I felt spent as I reached this month’s doorstep. Over the last two weeks I found myself reflecting on all my own very personal changes and the global devastation that has been present in the news, changes that felt quite sudden and weather events that have caused immense loss.

As we edge our way towards the autumn equinox, I find myself walking delicately with great reverence for the power that each moment of time holds. My body continues to feel tired and slow, which is offering me prayerful time to be present to what is happening around the world and what is happening within me. I can feel the energy of this seasonal transition asking me to look at what I’ve let grow in my internal garden while I've been processing change. I'm taking autumn's queue to see what's ripe and ready to be harvested, what I’ve left on the vine too long and what isn’t mine to water anymore. All of this change is readying me to clear myself out so I’m prepared for the what's to come, even though I can't quite see the details yet.

How has September been for you so far? How have you been processing what we have collectively witnessed? What's ready to be harvested from your garden? I'd love to hear from you! Drop me an email!

Much love to you and your spirit,


Check out the full blog post~


The Journey to Ancestorhood


Romancing the Self